Tag Archives: prayer

Numbers 14 – Doubt

Well, the damage has been done, and it has only just begun.  The bad report has been made, and now the people respond!  “Why have you brought us and out children out here to die?”  “Their walled cities are just too big!”  “There’s some terrible people up in them there hills!”  “We won’t stand a chance!”  “The enemy’s too big”  “I just can’t figure it out”  “We don’t have a five-year plan”  “But we just don’t have time”  “We can’t afford to do that in this kind of economy”  “It costs too much” “How am I going to take care of my family?”  “But God!  Be reasonable!”  “Why do we need to do that.  We haven’t needed to do it that way before.”  “What about the separation of church and state?”  “We could lose our tax-exempt status!”  “Someone else will do it”  “I’m just not ready”

There is always a reason why we can’t do what God / YHWH has called us to do.  The people sinned because they rejected what YHWH was doing.  It didn’t matter that God was in control.  What matters is what we can think / worry about.  We look at how big the enemy is, and we forget about how much bigger our YHWH is. 

What promised land had YHWH already promised to give to you?  Are you pursuing it under God’s direction, or are you running from it because the problems look too insurmountable?  Will you lose out on the promise that YHWH made to you because of your own fears and lack of faith, or will you proceed under YHWH’s direction and pursue the work and will of God?

LORD, give me the ability to see these concerns and these problems through your eyes.  YHWH, continue to give me guidance and direction.  I do not want to be a foolish builder, but then neither do i want to be an Israelite rejecting the promised land for fear of the Canaanites.  Guide and direct me today.  In Jesus name I pray,  AMEN (that it be done).

John J. Camiolo Jr.

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Injury Update

Sorry it has taken me so long to update everyone.  I found out that i have a fracture in my left (writing) hand and i’m wearing a cast that makes writing very difficult.  As a result, i probably won’t be getting back to my project until at least around June 24th, maybe later.  Please keep praying for me and the situation.

Thank you and God bless.

John Camiolo

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Leviticus 5 – Repentance?

In chapter 4 God gives Moses instructions about the types and ways of guilt offerings.  Here in chapter 5 God gives some instruction and examples of unintentional sins and the guilt offering required for them.

It’s funny how much our world changes.  We live in a culture where even most Christians don’t take repentance seriously unless there are consequences that drastically affect them.  We sin daily, and we talk about having a relationship with God and our prayer life, but how often does our prayer life consist of a list of demands to make our life more enjoyable and “better”?  How often are we so worried about our own “problems” and wants that we completely ignore the directions and instructions that YHWH puts in our life?

Sin, both intentional and unintentional, becomes so commonplace in our lives that we begin to not even recognize that we have sin that we need forgiveness from.  Yet God takes even minor, unintentional sins (like touching a dead body or swearing thoughtlessly) seriously.  Do we take time daily to come before God daily for repentance, or do we see YHWH as our buddy, buddy?

I know that i fall into that struggle, and that it is something that i need to be doing daily, yet it is something that i rarely do.  Maybe it’s time for me to change that… Lord, you know me, my comings and goings, my desires and actions.  YHWH I want to be obedient and not carry all of these sins around with me.  YHWH forgive me and help me to turn away from…

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Exodus 20 – Big Ten!

I am not a Greek, Aramaic, or Hebrew expert.  I wish that i was, and someday i may become those, but today is not one of them.  The nice thing is though that i have studied under people who are, and i have learned a great deal as a result.

One of the principles that i have learned from and really grasped into my life is a better understanding of this concept of “You shall”: “You shall have no other gods before me.”  “You shall not make for yourself an idol…”  “You shall not take the name of the LORD your God (YHWH-Elohim) in vain.”  When you read those words, “You shall”, what does it mean to you?  Chances are, if you are like most people, you see “You shall” as a command.  It begins the 10 commandments and it is God telling us that we have to do something.  While that is not incorrect, neither is that an accurate understanding.

This is one of those easily misunderstood things that once you have a grasp of it, can change your whole outlook on something.  The words “You shall have” here is יהיה (hâyâh).  Strong’s concordance says, “…to exist, that is, be or become, come to pass…”.  So what does that mean for us?  It means that this is not simply a command; it is a promise.  This WILL come to pass!  It is something that we are to do, but when we pursue and surrender to God, this is also a promise to/for us.  So this promise is not just “Don’t have any other god’s before me!”  It’s also, “Don’t worry, you won’t have any other gods before me.”

Isn’t that beautiful!  It’s not only the 10 commands, but it’s also the 10 promises!  That’s what our relationship is like with God.  Yes, He gives us commands to follow!  Yes, we have rules we have to obey; but as time goes by and we pursue Him, these are things that He promises us will no longer be rules and regulations, they will also be a part of who we are.  They go from external instruction to internal drives and motivation.  We have a promise! …that this is who we are to become! …and i love it!

There are still many times that i struggle and sin.  There are still times that i mess up, screw up, and fail.  I have struggled with the concept of repentance, and i need God’s help to get to that place.  Part of these big 10 promises is learning to accept and acknowledge that we fail and we sin.  Understand, i am not some expert in this.  I am just as messed up and flawed in this as so many others.  I need to repent of my sins and stand on these promises as who i am in the process of becoming.  I need the prayer and help.

Thank you,


Rev. John J. Camiolo Jr.

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Exodus 7 – Signs

What do you do when God does a miracle in your presence?  How do you respond when He sends a message with power?  What does it take to convince you to change your mind and to do the right thing when you are set on the wrong thing?

Pharaoh comes face to face with Moses, and YHWH makes a move.  Pharaoh has a choice to make.  Obey this “God” of the Israelites, and lose all of the cheap labor that has helped to grow cities and his empire?  Or, not?  Moses and Aaron can do these amazing wonders, but so can his magicians.  Now granted, Moses & Aaron’s staff / snake devours his magician’s staff / snakes, but that’s their problems not his.  Why should he be concerned?

Then Moses & Aaron turn the Nile into blood.  That’s a little bit more of an inconvenience, after all, the kingdom relies on the Nile river.  Then again, the magicians can do the same thing.  So what does Pharaoh do next?  He goes back to his house with no real concern for the situation.  However, seven days later, the magicians have not yet figured out how to change the Nile back to water.  I’m sure that that may have become a little disconcerting.

What about us?  Is God / YHWH trying to speak to us?  Does He give us signs day after day that He is real and we need to look to Him?  Do we ignore Him, considering His miracles no more than coincidences and conveniences or inconveniences?  Do we ignore the little things, because they are little, and don’t take seriously where those signs are pointing?

Pharaoh ignored the little things.  As a result, he takes that mentality with him when YHWH begins to do much bigger things.  What will it take for us to come to the point where we cease ignoring the signs pointing at God.  The more we ignore the little things, the more likely it is we will ignore and reject the big things.  We need to open our eyes and see the truth of who God / YHWH is in the little things as well as the big.

LORD, open my eyes and the eyes of the readers.  Help us to see the signs and understand where they are pointing.  Help us to do more than that.  Help us to pursue the God that is pursuing us.  In the name of Jesus, the Christ, Amen.

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